The Survivors Trust (TST)

What is TST?

The Survivors Trust (TST) is a UK-wide national umbrella agency for 130 specialist organisations for support for the impact of rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse throughout the UK and Ireland.

TST’s Trustee Board is exclusively made up of Managers and Directors of rape and sexual abuse support services. Their core aim is to empower survivors or rape, sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse through supporting and improving effective responses to survivors. Member organisations provide a range of direct services to survivors including counselling, support, helplines and advocacy services for women, men and children.

TST provide support and networking for member agencies; deliver accredited training; raise awareness about rape and sexual abuse and its effect on survivors, their supporters and society at large; promote effective responses to rape and sexual abuse on a local, regional and national level.

TST supports working in ways that recognise human rights and dignity; demonstrate understanding of the role of gender in the impact of sexual violence and abuse on women and men; appreciate the variety of human experience and culture; demonstrate a commitment to showing justice in dealing with all others; and encourage development and improvement of responses to all survivors.

TST Core Beliefs:

  • TST believe that the rape and sexual violence of children and adults is endemic within our society.

  • TST challenge society to acknowledge this reality and acknowledge our individual and collective responsibility for it.

  • TST believe that rape, sexual violence & abuse of women or girls or men or boys is preventable.

  •  TST, together with member agencies, is committed to empowering survivors and their supporters to work through and beyond the experience of abuse.

TST Core Aims:

To support and empower survivors of rape, sexual violence and/or childhood sexual abuse through

  • Providing a collective voice and peer networking for members;

  • Raising awareness about sexual abuse and/or rape and its effects on survivors, their supporters and society at large

  • Informing acknowledgement of, and effective responses to, rape and sexual abuse on a local, regional and national level